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Join us for an engaging and thought-provoking programme designed to explore the theme of Reframing Ageing across two dynamic days. The conference will feature a series of plenary sessions, concurrent discussions on subthemes, and a culminating session to synthesise insights and outline actionable steps.

Programme overview

Conference overview

The conference will be holding on11 and 12 September 2024. The programme includes a mix of plenary sessions and concurrent discussions on the six subthemes. Participants will also have the opportunity for field trip on Day 3 to facilitate practical learning and networking.




Side events

Attendees can also look forward to participating in side events presented by renowned organisations, which will complement the main conference sessions. The list and details of these side events will be updated regularly as we continue to enhance the conference programme.


There will also be exclusive pre- and post-conference events organised by our co-hosts. These invitation-only sessions will offer targeted workshops, panel discussions, and networking opportunities. If you have received an invitation, please follow the specific instructions provided by the event organisers. Click here to find more about those events.

Field trip (optional)

Three optional field visits have been arranged for conference participants. These visits will allow participants to interact with older people in small communities on the island of Bali, providing insight into their daily lives.


The sign up for the field visit will open after the plenary session on 11 September. Each site can accommodate up to 60 participants, and spots will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.


The three field trip sites are:

  • LLT PEDUNGAN: A community-based integrated care hub for older people.

  • LLT MELINGGIH: A community-based integrated care hub for older people.

  • Sekolah Lansia Wredha Harum: A non-formal school for older people (community-based)


​Read more​

Tentative programme

Explore the diverse facets of ageing through our six subthemes as listed below. These topics delve into critical aspects of ageing societies, providing insights and strategies for inclusive and sustainable development. Participants can download a the full programme here.


 S1   Active and productive ageing                                             S4   Technology and ageing

 S2   Climate change and population ageing                         S5   Social protection and ageing societies

 S3   Communities and ageing societies                                   S6   Caring societies

   PRE-EVENT       Tuesday, 10 September 2024

15:00 – 18:00                    Early registration

17:00 – 19:00                    Welcome reception

   DAY 1       Wednesday, 11 September 2024

Opening and plenary session

07:30 – 09:00                    Registration


09:00 – 09:30                    National Anthem Indonesia Raya

   Opening performance


09:30 – 10:30                    Welcoming and remarks

   Key lecture on reframing ageing


10:30 – 11:00                    Group photo

   Participant introduction and framing the conference


11:00 – 11:15                            Coffee break/refreshments


11:15 – 12:15                    High-level panel discussion: Reframing ageing


12:15 – 12:30                    Announcements


12:30 – 14:00                              Lunch and prayer


13:00 – 14:00                    Side Event: "Volunteer-based home visits for older people in Indonesia and beyond"


14:00 – 14:15                    Break for participants to relocate

Afternoon parallel sessions

14:15 – 15:45                    Parallel sessions – Part 1

  •  S1   Session 01: Harnessing the productive capacity of an ageing workforce  Read more

  •  S2   Session 02: Climate Change and Heat Stress: Strengthening Older People’s Resilience  Read more

  •  S3  Session 03: Scaling up community-based organisations in ageing societies  Read more


15:45 – 16:15                             Coffee break/refreshments


16:15 – 17:45                    Parallel sessions – Part 2

  •  S4  Session 04: Harnessing technology for enhanced quality of life in ageing
    societies  Read more

  •  S5  Session 05: How can social pensions enhance old age financial security in emerging Asia Pacific?  Read more

  •  S6  Session 06: Regional innovations in home and community care to support successful ageing in place  Read more


18:00 – 20:30                    Local Government Forum and dinner, hosted by Bappenas and The Australian Government

   through SKALA Program, supported by HelpAge International
   (optional for international participants) 

   DAY 2       Thursday, 12 September 2024

Morning parallel sessions

09:00 – 10:30                    Parallel sessions – Part 3

  •  S1  Session 07: Socio-economic policies for productive ageing and sustainable development  Read more

  •  S2  Session 08: Are older people a necessary part of the solution to climate
    change?  Read more

  •  S3  Session 09: Advancing age-friendly cities and communities  Read more


10:30 – 11:00                             Coffee break/Refreshments


11:00 – 12:30                    Parallel sessions – Part 4

  •  S4  Session 10: Bridging the digital divide and strengthening intergenerational
    relations  Read more

  •  S5  Session 11: Can contributory pensions enhance income replacement for all in 
    emerging Asia Pacific?  Read more

  •  S6  Session 12: Effective strategies for building long-term care systems in Asia and the Pacific  Read more


12:30 – 14:30                               Lunch and prayer 


*13:30 – 14:30                    Side events

     1.)  Unveiling Insights from the 2023 Indonesia Longitudinal Aging Survey

                           2.)  Discussion on TFR Indonesia (invitation only)*​

Afternoon plenary Session and closing ceremony

14:30 – 15:30                    Strengthening intergenerational solidarity: Dialogue across generations

   (Reflections from an intergenerational discussion)


15:30 – 15:50                             Coffee break/refreshments


15:50 – 16:20                    Reframing ageing: What have we learned?​


16:20 – 16:40                    Intergenerational closing performance


16:40 – 17:30                    Closing ceremony


19:00                                    HelpAge global network dinner (invitation only)

   DAY 3       Friday, 13 September 2024

07:00 – 16:00                    Field visits

Site 1: Integrated Older People Care (Layanan Lansia Terintegrasi - LLT) Karawista Pedungan, Denpasar – end at 13.00

Site 2:  Integrated Older People Care (Layanan Lansia Terintegrasi - LLT) Girang Melinggih, Gianyar 

Site 3: Older People School (Sekolah Lansia) Tegal Harum, Denpasar – end at 13.00


09:00 – 12:30                    Expert Group Meeting on ‘Sustainable Population Ageing and Low Fertility in Asia-Pacific’

   (Invitation only)*


For any session marked (Invitation only)*

please find relevant information here.

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